Clinical cases

Covid-19 (lungs affection up to 20%). Chronic Pancreatitis, exacerbation.

Patient: A.S. (56 years)

Diagnosis of the doctor in charge: Covid-19 (lungs affection up to 20%). Chronic Pancreatitis, exacerbation.

A patient addressed with complaints:

of risen temperature, cough, expressed weakness.

From the anamnesis:

According to the patient’s speech, at October 13, 2020 (the peak of morbidity during the first wave of Covid-19) the temperature rose up to 38.6º, evident weakness and headache appeared, took XXX tablet, went to sleep. At the next day the test for Covid-19 was proved to be positive.

1. The doctor in charge administered:

1.0. XXX Xmg 1 tab. 2 t/day, XXX 1000 mg per day and XXX 5000 un. per day.
During 5 days the temperature was suppressed up to 37.8ºC, additionally appeared intense cough, saturation lowered to 94%, CRP – 3.6 mg/l. At the examination (computer tomography of the thoracic organs (CT-TO) lungs affection up to 20%.
1.1. XXX 500 mg per day, XXX and XXX were added to the therapy regimen.
It is necessary to note, that 2 years before (in 2018) the patient had diagnosis – chronic pancreatitis. On the background of therapy by the administered preparations (because of the side effects), on the 7-th day (20.10.2020) the pains in left subcostal area, nausea and diarrhea appeared. It aggravated the patient’s condition in the period of Covid-19 affection – expressed weakness, haemoglobin – 98 g/l, CRP – 4.8 mg/l, the temperature rose up to 38.6ºC.

2. This situation required urgent decision because of gravity of the patient’s condition, that’s why the doctor administered additionally a course of therapy by the XXXX series preparations:

2.1. Capsular rectal, hydro-oil suppositories XXXXX from 1 to 45 day, 1 suppository in the morning.
2.2. Liquid hydrogel rectal suppositories XXX from 1 to 45 day, 1 suppository before sleep.
2.3. Antiviral hydrogel XXX apply in thin layer on nose and/or throat mucous 2-3 t/day during a long time.

The patient started the course 21.10.2020.

Dynamics during the course:

On the second day from starting therapy by the XX series preparations (23.10.2020) the patient notes decrease of diarrhea rate, drinks more water, pains without changes, the temperature does not exceed 37.8ºC.

On the third day diarrhea ceased, pains in the left subcostal area abated, the temperature lowered to 37.2ºC.

5 days later cough abated, pains in the left subcostal do not disturb, the temperature is normal, saturation 96%, haemoglobin indices - 115 g/l, CRP – 3.9 mg/l. On the background of the obtained effect the patient himself refused the preparations indicated in the points 1.0. – 1.1.

On the 14 day the patient’s condition is satisfactory, cough continues, but rarely, saturation 98%, haemoglobin – 130 g/l, CRP – 0.9 mg/l. According to the results of CT-TO (computer tomography of the thoracic organs) – no data on lungs affection.


On the background of use of the series XX preparation a therapeutical effect was achieved in treatment of the patient with Covid-19 in grave condition, in comparison with other methods of treatment, moreover, the treatment protocols for Covid-19 for that moment were not still elaborated.


It was recommended to the patient to pass 1 t/year the courses of therapy by the series XX preparations (points 2.0. and 2.1.) for prevention of chronical pancreatitis, and also in the period of seasonal worsening and/or pandemia use the series XX preparation according to the instruction (see point 2.2.) for protection from viral diseases.

On the background of rising morbidity of the new version of coronavirus – omicron, 18.12.2021 A.S. decided to call the doctor. The online-consultation revealed, that the patient follows recommendations, during the last year his condition is satisfactory, without complains, the temperature did not rise, not vaccinated.

Consulting doctor of XXXXX (XXX XXX) Date: 18.12.2021 s/s

Alzheimer’s Disease.

Patient: N. N (75 years)

Diagnosis of the doctor in charge: Alzheimer’s Disease.

A patient addressed with complaints:

At the moment of addressing (02.02.2021) the patient complained of memory, thinking and behavior impairment.

From the anamnesis:

According to the patient’s speech, in the course of the latest 3 years she began to complain of increased fatigability, bad sleeping. She started to react more strongly to weather changes – by arterial pressure increases (up to 150/90), heartbeats, bad sleep, anxiety, became more emotionally labile, susceptible, tearful. Since November, 2020 noted losing things at home – “put it down, and then can not find it”, from time to time can not recall the morning events, confuses names of children and grandchildren. Going out from the house, more often can not find a way back without assistance. Memory problems usually aggravate together with worsening of general state.

Since December, 2020 – under observation of the attending neurologist. Results of the medical examination: screening test (minimal neuropsychological survey): a) repeating and memorizing of 5 words – fulfilled partially (remembered 2 words); b) the clock test: arrange digits in the correct order, as on the dial plate, and set hour hands at 12.45 – fulfilled partially; short scale of the psychic status evaluation – MMSE: 16 (moderate dementia). The results of examination – positron-emission tomography/computer tomography (PET/CT) from 07.12.2020: the data of PET/CT with 18 FDG indicates decrease of metabolic activity of FDG in the area of cortex of right parietotemporal, occipital lobe, as well as in the area of cingulate gyrus. The PET/CT-image with 18-FDG may correspond to neurodegenerative disease; ultrasonic scanning of brachiocephalic arteries (US-BCA) from 05.12.2020: atherosclerotic changes of extracranial parts of main arteries of the head with stenosing of the right common carotid artery mouth by 50%.

As a result, since December 2020 anti-dement therapy was administeed to the patient (XXXXXX XXXXX according to the regimen: 1-st week – 5 mg in the morning 1 time per day, 2-nd week – 10 mg in the morning 1 time per day, 3-rd week – 15 mg in the morning 1 time per day, from the 4-th week and permanently – 20 mg in the morning 1 time per day. XXXXXXX introduction in course: 20 ml for 200.0 of phys. solution i/v by drop infusion No10. Correction of emotional disturbances: XXXXXXX 10 mg/day during 6 month).

However, in the course of time the doctor in charge did not observe considerable changes of the patient’s condition. As a result, because of absence of effect from the executed therapy and progressive character of disease, the doctor recommended to the patient a course of therapy by a medical agent on the base of product formulation XXXXX, since he had an experience of using XXX for his patients with CNS diseases.

As a result, in February 2021 the patient decided to carry out a course of XX therapy.

On the base of analysis of the medical history, examination and laboratory-instrumental diagnostics, Alzheimer’s Disease was diagnosed.

1. The practicing doctor administered:

1.0. Capsular rectal suppositories XXXX from 1 to 90 day, 1 suppository 1 time/day, in the morning. 1.1. Liquid rectal suppositories XXXX from 1 to 90 day, 1 suppository 1 time/day, before sleep.

The patient was consulted about the proposed course, then, having confirmed consent, started the course at February 18, 2021.

Dynamics during the course:

One week after starting treatment the patient noted increase of workability, sleep became better, the pressure normalized, nervousness decreased (less reacts to external irritants). One month later the relatives and friends noted, that the patient’s memory become better, she does not more confuse the names of grandchildren, does not forget where leaves the things at home.

On the 45-th day at repeated examination by the neurologist the indices of neuropsychological tests improved: 4 words remembered, the clock test completely fulfilled, MMSE – 20 scores.

3 months later the patient’s condition is satisfactory, memory problems do not disturb, workability and resistance to stress are normal. Results of neuropsychological tests are normal: 5 words remembered, the clock test completely fulfilled, MMSE – 28 scores (light cognitive disturbances).

Further, the preventive and supporting course 1 time/year was administered to the patient (capsular rectal suppositories and liquid rectal suppositories, 1 suppository per day during 1 month, repeat, if necessary, up to 3 t/year), also recommended to execute repeated examination (PET/CT and US-BCA).

Date of compilation: 15.05.2021 (Dr. XXX XXX).

On June 14, 2022 the patient repeatedly addressed for consultation with complaints of jumps of arterial pressure (up to 150/90), slight memory deterioration and loss of energy (can not practice sport activities as before), probably, on the background of sustained Covid-19 in light form. The consultation also revealed, that the patient broke earlier administered therapy regimen, already 13 months does not take preparation of the series, ignored recommendations to pass repeated examination.

On the base of the obtained data the repeated course of the series preparations was administered to the patient (capsular rectal suppositories and liquid rectal suppositories, 1 suppository per day during 1 month) and before starting the course the repeated examination of brain and brachiocephalic arteries was recommended.

The patient is taken under observation for further control of condition and correction of the therapy regimen, if necessary.

Consulting doctor of XXXXX (XXX XXX) on the base of the clinic XXXXX. Date: 14.06.2022

ICP, spastic diplegia. Structural focal epilepsy, medicamental remission since January, 2021. Polymicrogyria. Prematurity 28-29 weeks. Sensorineural hearing loss of 4 degree. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia.

Patient: A.K. (1 year 2 months)

Diagnosis of the doctor in charge: ICP, spastic diplegia. Structural focal epilepsy, medicamental remission since January, 2021. Polymicrogyria. Prematurity 28-29 weeks. Sensorineural hearing loss of 4 degree. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia.

Diagnosis of the doctor-expert: Extremely low body weight at the birth moment with multiple complications.

A patient addressed with complaints:

From the parents’ speech, complains of rough retardation of psychomotor development of the child.

From the anamnesis:

Anamnesis of the disease is presented in detail in the file “Epicrisis 1”. The patient’s condition in recent times without dynamics, the doctor in charge administers symptomatic treatment without positive prognosis. This situation required the quickest decision, since the child seriously risked to remain disabled for all the lifetime, that’s why the child’s parents decided to address for consultation to the chief children’s neurologist. In addition to traditional treatment methods, the neurologist recommended to the parents to address for help to the specialists in use the series XX products, because she had a positive experience of use the series XX preparations in treatment of children’s central nervous system (CNS) diseases. As a result, in October 2021 it was decided to assemble a council of physicians and specialists of the XXXXX for compilation of the therapy course.

Diagnosis of the council of physicians:

On the base of the medical history analysis, examination and laboratory-instrumental diagnostics (see folder “Examinations before starting treatment”) the child’s diagnosis was ICP, spastic diplegia. Structural focal epilepsy, medicamental remission since January, 2021. Prematurity 28-29 weeks. Sensorineural hearing loss of 4 degree. Bronchopulmonary dysplasia. Rough retardation of psychomotor development.

The council of physicians administered:

Symptomatic therapy, including nootropic, metabolic and vascular preparations plus a set of the XX series preparations (see folder “the course of therapy”) for the purpose of normalization of carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism, gaining weight, improvement of the CNS condition and metabolism in the brain tissues, acceleration of the process of restoration and development of the child.

The child’s parents were consulted about the proposed course (a set of products and a treatment regimen), then having confirmed consent started the course from 23.10.2021 (simultaneously continues to use preparations administered by the doctor in charge):

A. Hydrogel XXXX (see file «therapy regimen A.K. (1 year)»).

B. of topical use (content of XXXXX) in the gel structure 0,1 %).

Course of the series XXXX injections (see file «therapy regimen A.K. (1 year)») XX (XXX).

C. Plasters XXXX must be glued on the points indicated in the biomodels (see files «Biomodel A.K. (in front)» и «Biomodel A.K. (from the rear)»). (XXX 0.005mg /plaster).

Dynamics during the course:

Before starting therapy the patient fixed look, in the short time traced an object. Weight 8300 g. Divergent strabismus, more evident on the left. Joined the hands at the middle line, pulled into the mouth. Coordination arm-leg was formed. The right hand more active. Held the head. Lied on the belly leaning on forearm, with frequent loss of the head control. Crowed, smiled, laughed. Hemangioma on the right body side along the rear axillary line. Took XXXXX.

10 days after starting the course of the XX series preparations, namely, plasters XXXX and Hydrogel XXXX, the child shows positive dynamics, gained weight up to 8600 g, repeats the head movements after parents, night sleep normalized. Then the injections according to the administered regimen were executed additionally for the child (see file “therapy regimen A.K. (1 year)”).

One week after starting the course of injections the patient became more interested in toys, the arms became more active, takes all the things in the hands. More confidently holds the back, but does not lies on the belly for a long time, begins to cry.

3 months after starting the course the patient gained weight up to 10000 g, episodes of the so-called “backoffs” (regress in the child development) were not observed, the doctors note sharp positive dynamics, dosages of antiepileptic preparations reduced, the child independently holds the back and the head, clearly fixes look. In the course of therapy the child suffered Covid in a mild, symptomatic form without lung damage.


At this stage, on the background of using complex course by the XX preparations, the child’s metabolism normalizes, as indicates increase of the body weight, improvement of functioning of the central nervous system, normalization of biorhythm and immune system.


Continue the course according to the therapy scheme at least once a year.

Consulting doctor of XXXXX (Dr. XXX XXX) Date: 15.02.2022

Bilateral gonarthrosis 2-3 degree. Rate of functional insufficiency 2

Patient: V.V. (68 years)

Diagnosis of the doctor-expert: “Bilateral gonarthrosis 2-3 degree. Rate of functional insufficiency 2”.

A patient addressed with complaints (27.09.2018):

of pains and swelling in the area of the knee joints, reinforcing at workload, morning constraint, limitation of joints movement.

From the anamnesis:

These symptoms disturb about 5 years. The last 2 months pains reinforced, they are stopped by intake of anaesthetics, but the effect is short-timed. She passed courses of physiotherapy, therapeutical physical training, but without effect. The doctor in charge recommended injections of hyaluronic acid, however the patient refused, because it helps only temporarily. The patient does not work, a pensioner. The examination results: R-graphy of the knee joints: “Deforming arthrosis of 2-3 degree of both knee joints”, general blood analysis (ESR – 38 mm/h), biochemical blood analysis (CRP – 3.5 mg/l).

1. The doctor in charge administered treatment:

1.0. Intake of XXX 1 tab. 2 t/day, physiotherapeutic treatment, therapeutical physical training, wearing knee-pads, intra-articular injections of the preparations of hyaluronic acid 1 t/year, however without effect.

2. That’s why the doctor in charge additionally administered to the patient a course of therapy by the XX series preparations:

2.0. Capsular rectal suppositories XXX 1 suppository 1 t/day in the morning during 30 days.

2.1. Liquid rectal suppositories XXX 1 suppository 1 t/day before sleep during 30 days.

2.2. Hydrogel XXX apply in thin layer 2-3 t/day on the area of knee joints.

2.3. Photodynamic therapy (recommended a course of laser acupuncture procedures, apply on a previously cleaned area Hydrogel XXX) according to the methodology).

The patient started the course 02.10.2018.

Dynamics during therapy:

On the first day (02.10.2020) after using the XX series preparations the patient noted a hot flash in the area of joints, insignificant pains reinforcement. On the 3-rd day the patient noted decrease of edema in the area of joints, pains are at the same level. 7 days later swelling in the area of joints is absent, pain syndrome reduced, the patient reduced intake of anaesthetics. On the 14-th day the patient notes pains appearance only at ascent on the stairway, in the state of rest they are absent, she stopped intake of anaesthetics. On the 21-st day the patient notes total absence of pains, in the state of rest and at workload. 45 days later the patient did repeated tests, the results were normal (ESR – 15 mm/h, CRP – 0.1 mg/l).


Repeated use of the XXXX series preparations (point 2.0., 2.2., 2.3.) is recommended, as and when necessary, and with the purpose of prophylaxis.

10.09.2021 the patient addressed for repeated online consultation to the XXX XXX, since the pains in the knee joints renewed, in the analyses the ESR index rose up to 30 mm/h, the patient also noted, that did not use the XXXXX series preparations (after finishing the first course from 02.10.2018), because nothing disturbed her. On the base of the obtained data, the repeated course with the XXXXX series preparations (points 2.0., 2.2., 2.3.) was administered to the patient, after that the pains stopped, the ESR index lowered until normal.

Consulting doctor of XXXXX (XXX XXX) Date: 10.09.2021.

Deforming bilateral gonarthrosis 2 st., old injury of the medial meniscus of the left knee joint

Patient: A.T. (56 years)

Diagnosis of the doctor in charge: “Deforming bilateral gonarthrosis 2 st., old injury of the medial meniscus of the left knee joint”.

A patient addressed with complaints (02.03.2021):

of pains in both knee joints, more at the left, disturbing about 5 years (since 2016), in the last 1.5 years of almost constant character, reinforcing at rising on the stairway, wearing of loads, that hinders from sport activity (football, tennis).

From the anamnesis:

Multiple traumas of knee joints, earlier did not pay special attention at that.

At examination:

The roentgenograms of both knee joints revealed signs of osteoarthrosis: narrowing of the joint gap (more evident – in the left joint), singular osteophytes, as well as small loose osteochondrous corpora, ossificates in projection of the own patellar ligament. The magnetic resonance tomography (MRT) of the left knee joint: MR-image of damage of the rear horn of medial meniscus, partial damage of the anterior cruciform ligament (ACL), degenerative-dystrophic changes of cartilage, unexpressed synovitis.

1. The doctor in charge administered treatment:

1.0. The patient did not follow the doctor’s recommendations, cured himself by intake of (XXX X mg, 1 tab per day), without significant improvement.

2. The expert-consultant additionally administered a course of therapy by the XXXX series preparations:

2.0. Use of capsular rectal suppositories XXX 1 suppository 1 t/day in the morning during 30 days.

2.1. Hydrogel XXX apply by thin layer 2-3 t/day on the area of knee joints.

2.2. Photodynamic therapy (recommended a course of laser acupuncture procedures, apply on a previously cleaned area Hydrogel XXX) according to the methodology).

2.3. Injection course by the XX series preparation (XXX + XXX) according to the regimen: 1 injection (dose 5 ml) intramuscularly every 5 days (10 injections) plus 1 injection (dose 5 ml) every 7 days intraarticularly/periarticularly in the area of knee joints (5 injections).

The patient started a course of therapy 06.03.2021.


On the 1-st day from starting therapy by the XX series preparations (see point 2) the patient noted reddening in the place of hydrogel application, insignificant pains reinforcement, he took preparation XXX (XXX Xmg, 1 tab. per day).

On the 3-rd day the patient notes decrease of intensity of pain syndrome (5 of 10), absence of night pains, stopped taking XXX (XXX Xmg).

On the 7-th day the patient notes additional reduction of pain syndrome during workloads (2 of 10, according to the patient’s speech, “I can go upstairs on the 6-th floor without stops”).

On the 45-th day the patient notes total absence of pain syndrome, restoration of movement volume in the left knee joint, he also renewed full value training in football and tennis.

The results of repeated MRT of the left knee joint (13.06.2021): absence of changes in LKJ and restoration of the joint cartilage, absence of synovitis!

It became possible to achieve such an expressed effect thanks to the action of the XX series preparations targeted to stimulation of natural regeneration processes at the cellular level.


It was recommended to the patient to pass a course of therapy by the XXXX series preparations (points 2.0.-2.2.) as and when necessary and for the purpose of prophylactic.

Consulting doctor of XXXXX (XXX XXX) Date: 15.06.2021

Lateral epicondylitis of theright elbow joint. Evident pain syndrome

Patient: A.V.(38 years)

Diagnosis of the doctor in charge: “Lateral epicondylitis of the right elbow joint. Evident pain syndrome”.

A patient addressed with complaints (08.04.2021):

of pains and swelling in the area of the right elbow joint in quiescent state, reinforcing at minimal workload, limited functions of the joint.

From the anamnesis:

These symptoms disturb about 2 month. The patient works as a programmer, regularly visits a training hall. Initially a slight painfulness appeared during lifting weights, then pains reinforced, intake of anaesthetic preparations ceased pain for a short time. The course administered by the doctor in charge did not give expected result, pain does not calm down.

1. The doctor in charge administered treatment:

1.0. Intake of XXXX (XXXX, XXXX) at pains appearance, physiotherapy (laser therapy, magnetotherapy), wearing of the elbow joint fixer.

2. The expert-consultant additionally administered a course of therapy by the XX series preparations:

2.0. Use of capsular rectal suppositories « XXXX » 1 suppository 1 t/day in the morning during 30 days.

2.1. Hydrogel « XXXX » apply in thin layer 2-3 t/day on the area of the right elbow joint.

2.2. Recommended, if available, a course of laser acupuncture procedures (apply on a preliminary cleaned area Hydrogel « XXXX » according to the method indicated at the reference XXX.

The patient started treatment at 13.04.2021.


During 30 min the patient felt warm at the place of hydrogel application, the same day later reddening and slight increase of pains were observed. However, the next day reddening disappeared and pains slightly atabed. On the 3-rd day from starting the therapy (15.04.2021) the patient notes significant reduction of the pain syndrome, it disturbs only at workload, the patient himself cancelled the therapy indicated in the point 1.0. On the 7-th day of use the XX series preparations, pains practically disappeared, the patient renewed training. On the 14-th day the patient notes total absence of pain sense, the function of the elbow joint restored.


It was recommended to the patient to repeat a course of therapy by the XX series preparations (points 2.0.-2.2.) as and when necessary and for the purposes of prophylaxis.

Consulting doctor of XXXXX (Dr. XXX XXX) Date: 15.05.2021

Using hydrogel XXX in prophylaxis of Covid-19

Pilot clinical research

“Using hydrogel XXX in prophylaxis of Covid-19”

The research object: in the period from March to June 2020 in the clinic XXXXX specialized in Covid treatment. Quantity of the medical staff in this clinic is 196 doctors, number of beds for Covid patients 1072, 250 from them in the red zone, in the intensive care department – 7 ALV apparatus. In the red zone the medical staff used protective antiviral coveralls XX™ XX® and other necessary PPE, every 3 days the examination (PCR-test) was executed before visiting the red zone. During this period (4 month) increase of Covid-19 infection cases of the medical staff was observed up to 5 cases for 100 persons with lethal outcomes up to 1-3 persons.

On the background of these indices, since July 2020 in the clinic XXXXX for the purposes of additional protection of the staff it was decided to use hydrogel XXX for prevention of infection by Covid-19 virus, because this preparation was registered as adjuvant for protection against viruses, and the treatment and prophylaxis protocols for the coronaviral infection for that period were not elaborated. Technique of use – apply hydrogel on the nose mucous and rear wall of throat before visiting the red zone. Period of observation – 3 month. From all the staff (196 persons) constantly, on the regular base and according to the instruction, used it only 150 persons.

Results: according to the results of observation (3 months) no cases of viral infection Covid-19 were revealed among the staff of the clinic XXXXX, who used hydrogel XXX (meaning 150 doctors). Among the remaining 49 doctors who did not intake hydrogel XXX there have been 5 cases of Covid-19 infection and 1 lethal outcome.

For comparison, similarly the data of morbidity for the period were taken from another clinic YYYYY, where hydrogel XXX was used without additional defense of the medical staff. Quantity of the medical staff, number of beds for Covid patients and availability of ILV apparatus were maximum similar with the clinic XXXXX. In the period from March to June 2020, before start of the research, the cases of Covid-19 infection among the medical staff in the clinic YYYYY were 6 for 100 persons, with 2 lethal outcomes. In the period from July to September 2020 Covid-19 morbidity increased up to 10% of the total number of the medical staff (in the first month of observation it was 5%, in the second month 7%).

Conclusion: On the base of the obtained data it is stated, that practice, confirms the conclusion that hydrogel XXX has antiviral influence, is highly-effective, protective, and prophylactic for prevention of respiratory infections and respiratory organs diseases.

Head doctor XXXXX Date: 09.11.2020